

Healthcare depends heavily on technology. This technology needs to be chosen, managed, and supported properly in order to effectively prevent and treat diseases.  Without the correct kind and quantity of properly working equipment, patients either have to forego treatment, wait until the equipment becomes available, or travel to another city that has the required equipment.  Furthermore, unsuitable or poorly maintained equipment exposes patients to elevated risks of safety hazards and negative clinical outcomes.

All healthcare providers, health systems, and governments must embrace a policy for Healthcare Technology Management (HTM) which is defined as an accountable, systematic approach to ensuring that cost-effective, efficacious, appropriate and safe equipment and supplies are available to meet the demands of quality patient care. HTM includes, among others, the following activities:

Technology planning, acquisition and replacement

• Management of corrective and preventive maintenance

• Management of external service providers and service contracts

• Reducing unwanted and unexpected technology related incidents

Training equipment users and maintainers


A Clinical Engineer ...

is a professional who supports and advances patient care by applying engineering and managerial skills to healthcare technology.  ACCE definition

Profile on Ismael in 24x7 Magazine: Heroes of HTM: Ismael Cordero—Biomed, World Citizen

Ismael Cordero is a Biomedical/Clinical Engineering professional experienced with building capacity in all facets of healthcare technology management around the globe.